Monday, 18 December 2006

Baby care .. Top tips you should know!

At Home With The BABY- part 1

It is normal to feel a bit out of sorts and sad for the first couple of weeks after giving birth. Your body is going through some major physical changes after the birth of your baby. Your hormones will be changing and you likely will be feeling tired. Some of the things you will experience include

• Insomnia and oversleeping.
• Feelings of sadness and depression accompanied by crying.
• Feelings of guilt and worthlessness.
• Having no interest in your baby or being overly concerned about it.
• Weight gain or Weight loss accompanied by not eating.
• Get professional help if the depression seems to be ongoing.
• Discuss with other mothers their experiences after birth.
You may find that your friends and family members also went through the same issues.In order to avoid problems of jealousy.Make sure that you include your other children in the day-to-day activities that are part of the new baby’s routine. Remember that you are trying to adjust to some huge changes in your life so allow yourself some time to adjust.

How To Find A Good Pediatrician For Your Baby

•Find a doctor that is patient and listens to all your concerns, this is very important. Try and find a pediatrician ahead of your baby’s birth.
• One of the best ways of finding a good pediatrician is by talking to someone who has had first hand experience. Do you have close family or friends who have used a good pediatrician?
• Ask Questions – this is the only way that you can “sus out” prospective doctors and see if their ideals closely mirror your own.

Sleeptime For Your Baby

You should expect to be woken up persistently, no matter what the time, for the first few weeks try and impose the fact that night is for sleep from very early on. Here are some very effective tips on helping your baby sleep far better.

• Carry your baby as much as possible, particularly in the evenings as this keeps him relaxed.
• Remain flexible – if the sleep routine you are trying does not seem to be working then do not be afraid to try something new.
• The room temperature can also have a significant impact on your baby’s sleep. Apart from ensuring that the bed is suitably warm the best temperature for sleep is 70 degrees approx.
• When your baby naps in the day time use a well lit area – this will help keep the naps shorter and may encourage him to sleep better at nights.
• Feed your baby more during the day – this will help him sleep better during the night.

Breast Feeding How To

It is a myth that bottle-feeds and breast-feeding are equally good. Mother’s milk is the best for the proper growth of the child. There are certain nutrients in the mother’s milk that helps the baby fight illnesses while also promoting brain development. Formula-fed babies are more prone to illnesses.

Ideally you should start breast feeding the child within 6 hours of its birth, but do not worry if for some reason you are not able to do this.

Do give the child enough time to breast-feed. Don’t limit the time. It could irritate the baby. An average of about 10 to 35 minutes can be taken by the baby to completely satisfy itself.

So how should you hold your baby while breast feeding. The answer to this is that see to it that the gums of the baby are on top of the areola because there is a chance of nipples becoming sore if the baby just chews on the nipple instead of taking in the areola. You can hold the baby in a cuddling position and feed it or you can lie on your side placing your baby facing you. Usually when the baby has had enough milk it will let go of the nipple on its own, but the baby takes usually half an hour on each side.

Best Food To Eat During Breastfeeding

It is very important for a breastfeeding mother to have a healthy and balanced diet. A variety of foods are required during this period including:

• Foods such as wholemeal bread, vegetables, pulses, cereals and pastas will provide fibre – women occasionally experience bowel problems after childbirth and an intake of fibre on a daily basis will help with this.
• Proteins such as lean meat, fish, eggs and poultry.
• Try and get two portions of fish per week (including some oily fish). Do not exceed 2 portions of oily fish per week.
• Get lots of vegetables and fruits – try and have an intake of 5 portions a day of fruit and veg. • For additional energy try and take in starch rich foods such as bread, pasta, potatoes, pulses and rice – this will provide a good source of energy.
• Dairies such as cheese, milk and yoghurt are an excellent source of calcium and should be included in a breast feeding mother’s diet.
• Some doctors advise taking vitamin supplements such as Vitamin D Your doctor will be able to advise which supplements will be right for you.

You should also be careful with your intake of caffeine and alcohol. It is true that some breast feeding babies react to the foods that their mother has consumed.

To be continued

Please read my Blog for more health information.

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